Minutes – July 17, 2023
Library Board of Control
Quarterly Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 17, 2023
The Franklin Parish Library Board of Control met in a regularly scheduled meeting on July 17, 2023. Leslie Young, Board President, called the meeting to order with Emily Shields, Bill Marionneaux, Dorothy Brown, and Kayla P. Shirley present.
After review, Young asked for a motion to accept the April 24, 2023, minutes as presented. A motion to accept the minutes as presented was made by Dr. Marionneaux and seconded by Brown. Minutes approved as presented.
Kayla P. Shirley, Library Director, presented the statistical report, noting that total circulation saw a 11% decrease compared to that of 2nd quarter 2022. However, when comparing circulation to that of 1st quarter 2023, when construction began, circulation is holding steady with a roughly 2% increase.
Shirley presented the financial report, noting that the library is currently in a good financial position.
Shirley presented a summary of the Summer Reading Program activities. Activity participants for both branches totaled 485.
Young updated the board on the current status of the construction project. She will continue to update the board accordingly.
Shirley gave an update regarding the water damage in the Learning Center. She noted final report from the insurance adjuster has not been received yet. Ms. Shirley will update the Board once that document has been received.
The Board discussed the updates to the legislation SB7 and pending HB 102 that will affect access to certain materials in public libraries. SB 7 has now been signed and is now ACT 436, effective August 1, 2023. Policies must be in place by January 1, 2024, and vendor configuration work must be completed by June 1, 2024. Shirley reported that the State Library of Louisiana will be working with the Attorney General in obtaining exemplar policies and procedures that they will share with libraries.
Shirley reported that the library was a recipient of the BCBS Louisiana Foundation Telehealth Outreach Pilot Program Grant.
Shirley reported to the board that she was currently reviewing all current policies and procedures. No changes to current policies or procedures were brought today. Ms. Shirley will bring any recommended revisions as they arise.
With no other pending business to discuss, Young asked for a motion to adjourn. The motion to adjourn was made by Dr. Marionneaux and seconded by Shields. Meeting adjourned.