Minutes – October 23, 2023

Library Board of Control

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

Monday, October 23, 2023

The Franklin Parish Library Board of Control met in a regularly scheduled meeting on October 23, 2023. Emily Shields, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order with Dr. Bill Marionneaux, Dorothy Brown, John Guice, Linda Lochbrunner, and Kayla P. Shirley present in person. Leslie Young, Board President, joined virtually.

After review, Shields asked for a motion to accept the July 17, 2023, minutes as presented. A motion to accept the minutes as presented was made by Brown and seconded by Dr. Marionneaux. With no objections and all in favor, July 17, 2023, minutes approved as presented.

Kayla P. Shirley, Library Director, presented the statistical report, noting that circulation is down slightly from last quarter, possibly due to on-going construction. Shirley noted that staff have been busy over the past few weeks visiting various community events and programs, spreading the word about the library and services available.

Linda Lochbrunner, Business Manager, presented the financial report, noting that the library is currently in a good financial position.

Young gave an update on the current status of the construction project. The Board discussed possibilities for future grant opportunities to further improve upon the progress of the library. Shirley will compile grant requests based upon items discussed. Young and Shirley will continue to update the board accordingly.

The board discussed outstanding change orders # 7 and #9. A motion was made by Guice, seconded by Brown to pay change order #7 in full. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed. After a lengthy discussion regarding change order #9, a motion was made by Dr. Marionneaux, seconded by Guice, to pay 85% of change order #9. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed.

Young gave an update regarding the current status of the repairs needed to the Learning Center. She will continue to update the board accordingly.

Shirley informed the Board that the library had been approved to become a member of the Louisiana Digital Consortium which would enable the library to digitize genealogy collection items to include in the Louisiana Digital Library.

Shirley presented the Signature Authority Board Resolution, noting the need for the resolution is due to upcoming staff retirements. A motion to approve the board resolution to change signature authority was made by Dr. Marionneaux, seconded by Brown. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed.

Shirley presented a holiday schedule comparison between the library’s current list of holiday closures and those of the State Library of Louisiana for discussion. After much discussion, a motion to update the current holiday closure schedule to include closing at noon the day before Thanksgiving was made by Dr. Marionneaux, seconded by Guice. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed.

Shirley presented an amended Collection Development Policy for the board’s review and consideration. After discussion, a motion was made by Dr. Marionneaux and seconded by Brown to accept the amended Collection Development Policy as presented. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed.

Shirley presented an amended Reconsideration of Materials Policy for the board’s review and consideration. After discussion, a motion was made by Guice and seconded by Dr. Marionneaux to accept the amended Reconsideration of Materials Policy as presented. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed.

Shirley presented an amended Patron Library Cards Policy for the board’s review and consideration. After discussion, a motion was made by Dr. Marionneaux and seconded by Brown to accept the amended Patron Library Cards Policy as presented. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed.

Shirley presented a new Minor Patron Library Cards and the Right of Parents Policy for the board’s review and consideration. After discussion, a motion was made by Brown and seconded by Dr. Marionneaux to adopt the Minor Patron Library Cards and the Rights of Parents Policy as presented. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed.

Shirley presented a new Security Camera Policy for the board’s review and consideration. After discussion, a motion was made by Brown and seconded by Guice to adopt the Security Camera Policy as presented. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed.

The Library Board, Director, and Business Manager worked on a budget for 2024 and discussed the amendment for the 2023 budget. A motion was made by Guice and seconded by Dr. Marionneaux to accept the recommendations for amending the 2023 budget. A public hearing regarding the amended of the 2023 budget and to approve the 2024 budget will be held on December 11, 2023, at 9:30am at the Franklin Parish Library, 705 Prairie Street, Winnsboro, Louisiana.

With no other pending business to discuss, Shields asked for a motion to adjourn. The motion to adjourn was made by Dr. Marionneaux and seconded by Brown. Meeting adjourned.

Minutes – July 17, 2023

Library Board of Control
Quarterly Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 17, 2023

The Franklin Parish Library Board of Control met in a regularly scheduled meeting on July 17, 2023. Leslie Young, Board President, called the meeting to order with Emily Shields, Bill Marionneaux, Dorothy Brown, and Kayla P. Shirley present.

After review, Young asked for a motion to accept the April 24, 2023, minutes as presented. A motion to accept the minutes as presented was made by Dr. Marionneaux and seconded by Brown. Minutes approved as presented.

Kayla P. Shirley, Library Director, presented the statistical report, noting that total circulation saw a 11% decrease compared to that of 2nd quarter 2022. However, when comparing circulation to that of 1st quarter 2023, when construction began, circulation is holding steady with a roughly 2% increase.

Shirley presented the financial report, noting that the library is currently in a good financial position.

Shirley presented a summary of the Summer Reading Program activities. Activity participants for both branches totaled 485.

Young updated the board on the current status of the construction project. She will continue to update the board accordingly.

Shirley gave an update regarding the water damage in the Learning Center. She noted final report from the insurance adjuster has not been received yet. Ms. Shirley will update the Board once that document has been received.

The Board discussed the updates to the legislation SB7 and pending HB 102 that will affect access to certain materials in public libraries. SB 7 has now been signed and is now ACT 436, effective August 1, 2023. Policies must be in place by January 1, 2024, and vendor configuration work must be completed by June 1, 2024. Shirley reported that the State Library of Louisiana will be working with the Attorney General in obtaining exemplar policies and procedures that they will share with libraries.

Shirley reported that the library was a recipient of the BCBS Louisiana Foundation Telehealth Outreach Pilot Program Grant.

Shirley reported to the board that she was currently reviewing all current policies and procedures. No changes to current policies or procedures were brought today. Ms. Shirley will bring any recommended revisions as they arise.

With no other pending business to discuss, Young asked for a motion to adjourn. The motion to adjourn was made by Dr. Marionneaux and seconded by Shields. Meeting adjourned.

Franklin Parish Library Board Minutes

April 24, 2023

The Library Board of Control met in a regularly scheduled meeting on April 24, 2023. Leslie Young, Board President called the meeting to order with Emily Shields, Dr. Bill Marionneaux, and Dorothy Brown present.

Leslie Young ask for a motion to accept the minutes, from the last meeting, as published. Dr. Bill Marionneaux made the motion to accept the minutes as published and Emily Shields made the second.

Linda Lochbrunner, Business Manager and Interim Library Director presented the financial report and noted the Library is currently in a good financial position.

Linda Lochbrunner gave the statistical report. Circulation and Library visits were up for the quarter.

In Other Business, Library Board Resolutions were presented. Leslie Young ask for a motion to accept the Board Resolutions. Dorothy Brown Made the motion to accept and Emily Shields made the second. The construction project was discussed at length. Where the process was at and estimated length of time to completion.

The Board discussed the pending Legislation regarding Access to Certain Materials in Public Libraries. This is HB 102 and SB 7. Both have been referred to Committees to review.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.

<strong>Library Board Minutes</strong>

March 24, 2023

The Franklin Parish Library Board held a special meeting Friday, March 24, 2023, at 12 p.m. Present were Leslie Young, Bill Marionneaux, Emily Shields, John Guice and Dorothy Brown.

The minutes from the Feb. 27 meeting were approved following a motion by Marionneaux, second by Brown.

The board discussed applications received for the position of library director. Applications were reviewed and ranked and it was agreed that interviews would be set up as quickly as possible.

The meeting was adjourned following a motion by Guice, second by Marionneaux.

Minutes for Library Board of Control Called Meeting

February 10, 2023

The Franklin Parish Library Board of Control met in a called meeting on Friday, February 10, 2023. Leslie Young called the meeting to order with Dorothy Brown, Bill Marionneaux, and Emily Shields present.  Leslie Young ask for a motion to move forward with consideration of the new Library Director. Emily Shields made the motion and Dorothy Brown made the second with a unanimous vote to move forward.

Other business: The Annual Public Libraries in Louisiana Statistical Report for 2021 was passed out for Board Members to review. Next, the Board was updated on the Sale of the Surplus Equipment.

No further business, Leslie Young ask for a motion to adjourn. Bill Marionneaux made the motion and seconded by Dorothy Brown. Meeting adjourned.

<strong>Library Board Minutes</strong>

February 27, 2023

The Franklin Parish Library Board held a special meeting Monday, Feb. 27, 2023, at 4 p.m. Vice President Leslie Young called the meeting to order. Also present were Bill Marionneaux, Emily Shields and Dorothy Brown.

The minutes from several past special meetings were presented for approval. On a motion by Marionneaux, second by Shields, minutes were approved for meetings held on Oct. 24, Dec. 2, Dec. 20, 2022; and  Jan. 18, Jan. 30 and Feb. 10, 2023.

Young read a letter from Board President John Guice stating that he was resigning as board president but wished to remain on the board. Brown made a motion to nominate Young to officially fill the role of president and Shields offered a second. The motion passed. Marionneaux then nominated Shields for vice president. Brown offered a second and that motion passed.

The board also voted to increase compensation for interim library director Linda Lochbrunner following a motion by Shields, second by Marionneaux.

The meeting was adjourned following a motion by Marionneaux, second by Brown.

Library Board Minutes

January 30, 2023

The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a regular meeting on Monday, January 30, 2023 at noon. Leslie Young, Vice-President, called the meeting to order with Bill Marionneaux, Emily Shields, and Dorothy Brown present. The Library Board interviewed a candidate for Library Director. In Other Business, Linda Lochbrunner, Business Manager, presented changes for the Ethics Policy. Mrs. Young asked for a motion to accept the changes to the Ethics Policy as presented. Emily Shields made the motion to accept the changes to the Ethics Policy as present with second being made by Bill Marionneaux. Changes to the Disbursement Policy were presented by Linda Lochbrunner. Mrs. Young asked for a motion to accept the changes to the Disbursement Policy as presented. Bill Marionneaux made the motion to accept the presented changes to the Disbursement Policy with second being made by Dorothy Brown. Linda Lochbrunner then presented changes to the Financial Policy. Mrs. Young asked for a motion to accept the presented changes to the Financial Policy. Emily Shields made the motion to accept the Financial Policy changes as presented with second by Bill Marionneaux. Linda Lochbrunner then presented the financial report noting that the Library is in a good financial position. Onie Parker, Director, presented the statistical report noting that circulation was up from the same period last year, and that computer and Wi-Fi usage were steady for the quarter. There being no other business the meeting was adjourned.

Library Board of Control Called Meeting

January 18, 2023

The Franklin Parish Library Board of Control met in a called meeting on January 18, 2023. John Guice called the meeting to order with Bill Marionneaux, Leslie Young, and Emily Shields present. Also attending the meeting were Ken McManus and Luke Sharbono from McManus Engineering, representatives from 318 Construction and ACME Glass. Following a lengthy discussion, Mr. Guice asked for a motion to accept the initial bid from 318 Construction. Leslie made the motion to accept the initial bid with second by Emily Shields and all were in favor. The board was presented a list of surplus items. Mr. Guice asked for a motion to declare the items on the list as surplus. Leslie Young made the motion to declare the list of items as surplus with second made by Emily Shields. The search for a new director and the next steps in the process were discussed. The board discussed the HVAC system at the learning center and approved moving forward to have the non-working unit replaced. The board discussed the current issues with the telephone system and approved having the lines and the phone system checked for problems. There being no other business the meeting was adjourned.

Library Board Minutes for Called Meeting

December 20, 2022

The Franklin Parish Library Board of Control met in a called meeting on December 20, 2022 to open bids for the Store Front/Rear Project. Mr. Guice called the meeting to order with Leslie Young and Emily Shields present. Also, attending was Ken McManus, McManus Engineering. The bid was opened and read by Mr. McManus. Following a short discussion, Mr. Guice asked for a motion to take the bid under advisement. Leslie Young made the motion to take the bid under advisement, second was made by Emily Shields. There being no other business the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted

Onie Parker, Library Director and Secretary to the Board of Control

Franklin Parish Library Called Meeting

The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a called meeting at 10:00 am on Friday, December 4, 2020.  John Guice called the meeting to order with Bill Marionneaux, Leslie Young, Dorothy Brown, and Emily Shields present.  Amending the 2020 budget was discussed.  Mr. Guice asked for a motion to amend the 2020 budget.  Leslie Young made the motion to amend the 2020 budget as presented second was made by Dorothy Brown and all were in favor.  The proposed 2021 budget was discussed.  Mr. Guice asked for a motion to adopt the 2021 budget as presented.  Bill Marionneaux made the motion to adopt the 2021 budget as presented, second was made by Emily Shields and all were in favor.  The board discussed the status of the roof and the steps that had been taken to make repairs.  There being no other business, Mr. Guice asked for a motion to adjourn which was made by Leslie Young with the second by Bill Marionneaux and all were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted

Onie Parker, Library Director and Secretary to the Board of Control