Library Board Minutes Called Meeting
October 9, 2020
The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a called meeting on Friday, October 9, 2020. John Guice, Board President, called the meeting to order with Bill Marionneaux, Leslie Young, Dorothy Brown, and Emily Shields present. The board discussed library hours at the Wisner Branch. Mr. Guice asked for a motion to close on Saturday at the branch location. Leslie Young made the motion to discontinue library hours on Saturday with the second made by Dorothy Brown and all were in favor. Staff insurance was discussed. The board asked that the Library Director obtain additional information regarding staff insurance. On-going roof issues related to hurricane damage were discussed. Mr. Guice asked for a motion to seal the roof with a sealant. Emily Shields made the motion to use a sealant on the roof damaged by hurricane Laura second was made by Bill Marionneaux and all were in favor. Onie Parker updated the board on the timeline for receiving the new shelving and furniture. Mr. Guice then entertained a motion to adjourn. The motion to adjourn was made by Leslie Young with the second made by Dorothy Brown.