Minutes – October 23, 2023

Library Board of Control

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

Monday, October 23, 2023

The Franklin Parish Library Board of Control met in a regularly scheduled meeting on October 23, 2023. Emily Shields, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order with Dr. Bill Marionneaux, Dorothy Brown, John Guice, Linda Lochbrunner, and Kayla P. Shirley present in person. Leslie Young, Board President, joined virtually.

After review, Shields asked for a motion to accept the July 17, 2023, minutes as presented. A motion to accept the minutes as presented was made by Brown and seconded by Dr. Marionneaux. With no objections and all in favor, July 17, 2023, minutes approved as presented.

Kayla P. Shirley, Library Director, presented the statistical report, noting that circulation is down slightly from last quarter, possibly due to on-going construction. Shirley noted that staff have been busy over the past few weeks visiting various community events and programs, spreading the word about the library and services available.

Linda Lochbrunner, Business Manager, presented the financial report, noting that the library is currently in a good financial position.

Young gave an update on the current status of the construction project. The Board discussed possibilities for future grant opportunities to further improve upon the progress of the library. Shirley will compile grant requests based upon items discussed. Young and Shirley will continue to update the board accordingly.

The board discussed outstanding change orders # 7 and #9. A motion was made by Guice, seconded by Brown to pay change order #7 in full. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed. After a lengthy discussion regarding change order #9, a motion was made by Dr. Marionneaux, seconded by Guice, to pay 85% of change order #9. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed.

Young gave an update regarding the current status of the repairs needed to the Learning Center. She will continue to update the board accordingly.

Shirley informed the Board that the library had been approved to become a member of the Louisiana Digital Consortium which would enable the library to digitize genealogy collection items to include in the Louisiana Digital Library.

Shirley presented the Signature Authority Board Resolution, noting the need for the resolution is due to upcoming staff retirements. A motion to approve the board resolution to change signature authority was made by Dr. Marionneaux, seconded by Brown. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed.

Shirley presented a holiday schedule comparison between the library’s current list of holiday closures and those of the State Library of Louisiana for discussion. After much discussion, a motion to update the current holiday closure schedule to include closing at noon the day before Thanksgiving was made by Dr. Marionneaux, seconded by Guice. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed.

Shirley presented an amended Collection Development Policy for the board’s review and consideration. After discussion, a motion was made by Dr. Marionneaux and seconded by Brown to accept the amended Collection Development Policy as presented. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed.

Shirley presented an amended Reconsideration of Materials Policy for the board’s review and consideration. After discussion, a motion was made by Guice and seconded by Dr. Marionneaux to accept the amended Reconsideration of Materials Policy as presented. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed.

Shirley presented an amended Patron Library Cards Policy for the board’s review and consideration. After discussion, a motion was made by Dr. Marionneaux and seconded by Brown to accept the amended Patron Library Cards Policy as presented. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed.

Shirley presented a new Minor Patron Library Cards and the Right of Parents Policy for the board’s review and consideration. After discussion, a motion was made by Brown and seconded by Dr. Marionneaux to adopt the Minor Patron Library Cards and the Rights of Parents Policy as presented. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed.

Shirley presented a new Security Camera Policy for the board’s review and consideration. After discussion, a motion was made by Brown and seconded by Guice to adopt the Security Camera Policy as presented. With no objections and all in favor, motion passed.

The Library Board, Director, and Business Manager worked on a budget for 2024 and discussed the amendment for the 2023 budget. A motion was made by Guice and seconded by Dr. Marionneaux to accept the recommendations for amending the 2023 budget. A public hearing regarding the amended of the 2023 budget and to approve the 2024 budget will be held on December 11, 2023, at 9:30am at the Franklin Parish Library, 705 Prairie Street, Winnsboro, Louisiana.

With no other pending business to discuss, Shields asked for a motion to adjourn. The motion to adjourn was made by Dr. Marionneaux and seconded by Brown. Meeting adjourned.