Board Meeting Minutes January 25, 2017
The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a regular session at Noon on January 25, 2017. Board President, John Guice, opened the meeting with Leslie Young, Bill Marionneaux, Addie Bolton and Jeannette Thompson present. Ms Bolton led in prayer. Dr. Marionneaux moved that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as published, Leslie Young seconded the motion and all were in favor. Library Director, Carolyn Flint, gave the statistical and financial reports. Flint reported that circulation was down for the quarter and the financial picture picture is good. Because of the new roof on the main library the library was over budget for 2016. Leslie Young moved that money from the fund balance be used to adjust the budget, Jeannette Thompson seconded the motion and all were in favor. Flint reported that computer use remains strong. The library has resumed the Fall programs for children. The Toddler Time program continues to grow. The children from Head Start also attend Story Hour. Visits are also being made to schools to encourage children to use the library.
Copies of the 2015 audit were given to the Board Members. It was a clean audit with no findings. Copies of the 2015 Library Annual report from the State Library were also distributed.
Under old business, the board decided to move forward with replacing the library director.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Flint, Library Director and Secretary to the Board of Control