Board Meeting Minutes January 25, 2017

The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a regular session at Noon on January 25, 2017.  Board President, John Guice, opened the meeting with Leslie Young, Bill Marionneaux, Addie Bolton and Jeannette Thompson present.  Ms Bolton led in prayer.  Dr. Marionneaux moved that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as published, Leslie Young seconded the motion and all were in favor.  Library Director, Carolyn Flint, gave the statistical and financial reports.  Flint reported that circulation was down for the quarter and the financial picture picture is good.  Because of the new roof on the main library the library was over budget for 2016.  Leslie Young moved that money from the fund balance be used to adjust the budget, Jeannette Thompson seconded the motion and all were in favor.  Flint reported that computer use remains strong.  The library has resumed the Fall programs for children.  The Toddler Time program continues to grow.  The children from Head Start also attend Story Hour.  Visits are also being made to schools to encourage children to use the library.

Copies of the 2015 audit were given to the Board Members.  It was a clean audit with no findings.  Copies of the 2015 Library Annual report from the State Library were also distributed.

Under old business, the board decided to move forward with replacing the library director.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Flint, Library Director and Secretary to the Board of Control

Board Meeting Minutes/November 2016

The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a regular session at Noon on November 2, 2016.  Board President, John Guice, opened the meeting with Leslie Young, Bill Marionneaux, Addie Bolton and Jeannette present.  John Guice led in prayer.  Dr Marionneaux moved that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as publiched.  Leslie Young seconded the motion and all were in favor.  Library Director, Carolyn Flint, gave the statistical and financial reports.  Flint reported that circulation was down for the quarter and the financial picture is good.  She reported that the programs for children had a good attendance during the summer.   The library has resumed the Fall programs for children.  The Toddler Time programs continue to grow.  The children from Head Start attend Story Hour.

The Library Board and the Library Director developed a proposed budget for 2017.  Leslie Young moved that the proposed budget be considered for adoption, Jeannette Thompson seconded the motion and all were in favor.  The budget hearing was set for Dec. 7, 2016.

Under old business, the board decided to more forward with replacing the library director.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Flint, Library Director and Secretary to the Board of Control


Board Meeting Minutes/August 17, 2016

The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a regular session at Noon on August 17, 2016.  Jeannette Thompson, Board Vice-President opened the meeting with Leslie Young and Bill Marionneaux present.  John Guice and Addie Bolton were absent.  Dr. Marionneaux led in prayer.  Dr. Marionneaux moved that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as published,  Leslie Young seconded the motion and all were in favor.  Library Director, Carolyn Flint, gave the statistical and financial reports.  Flint reported that circulation was up for the quarter and the financial picture is good.  She reported that the annual audit was good with no findings.  Under old business it was decided that the library director search will be put on hold.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Flint, Library Director and Secretary to the Board of Control

Board Meeting Minutes April 20, 2016


April 20, 2016

The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a regular meeting at Noon on April 20, 2016.  John Guice, Board President,  opened the meeting with Addie Bolton, Jeannette Thompson, Leslie Young and Bill Marionneaux present.  Ms Bolton led in prayer.  Jeannette Thompson moved that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as published.  Addie Bolton seconded the motion and all were in favor.  Library Director, Carolyn Flint, gave the statistical and financial reports.  Circulation was up slightly for the quarter.  Programs are well attended.  Computer usage was down because the Internet was down for nearly two weeks.  The financial picture is good.  Flint reported that State Revenue Sharing money will be reduced 4 per cent.  This amount will not have an impact on the library.  Leslie Young showed the members the new paint colors that have been chosen for the library.  Painting will begin soon.  John Guice gave a brief report on the new roof.  Carolyn Flint gave a report on sick leave policies that allow staff members to donate leave time to each other in the case of a catastrophic illness.  Many libraries in the state had shared their policies.  John Guice moved that the board adopt a policy based on the one shared by Vermillion Parish,  Dr. Marionneaux seconded the motion and all were in favor.  Carolyn Flint asked the Library Board to open a search for a new Library Director.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Flint, Library Director and Secretary to the Board of Control

Board Meeting Minutes 1/21/16


The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a regular meeting at Noon on January 20, 2016.  John Guice, Board President, opened the meeting with board members Bill Marionneaux, Addie Bolton and Leslie Young present.  Ms  Bolton led in prayer.  Everyone welcomed new board member, Leslie Young, and thanked her for accepting the appointment to the board.  Dr. Marionneaux moved that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as published, Leslie young seconded the motion and all were in favor.  Library Director, Carolyn Flint gave the statistical and financial reports.  Ms Flint reported that attendance for adult and children’s programs is good.  The financial picture for the library is good.   Under old business concerning sick leave, Ms  Flint reported that the State Library had suggested that a statement be added to the sick leave policy.  The statement will say that an employee shall not receive payment, directly of in kind, for any accrued sick leave remaining  at the time of termination from service.  John Guice moved that this be added to the policy, Dr. Marionneaux seconded the motion and all were in favor.  Under new business, new officers were elected for the Library board.  John Guice will remain as president, Bill Marionneaux will remain as treasurer and Jeannette Thompson will be the new vice-president.  John Guice gave a report on the new roof project.  Three proposals had been received and Bill Marionneaux moved that the lowest one be accepted and amended to include the lower portion of the roof also, Ms Bolton seconded the motion and all were in favor.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Flint, Library Director and Secretary to the Board of Control

Board Meeting Minutes/ December 4, 2015

The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a called meeting on Dec. 2, 2015 at Noon. John Guice, Board President, called the meeting to order with members Jeannette Thompson, Addie Bolton and Bill Marionneaux present. Dr. Marionneaux led in prayer. The purpose of the meeting was the budget hearing for 2016. The proposed budget had been available for public inspection and the proper notice given in the Franklin Sun. Dr. Marionneaux moved that the proposed budget be adopted, Ms Bolton seconded the motion and all were in favor. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
Carolyn Flint, Library Director and Secretary to the Board

Board Meeting/November 4. 2015

November 4, 2015
The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a regular meeting at Noon on November 4, 2015. John Guice, Board President, opened the meeting with board members Bill Marionneaux , Addie Bolton and Jeannette Thompson present. Ms Bolton led in prayer. Dr. Marionneaux moved that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as published, Jeannette Thompson seconded the motion and all were in favor. Library Director, Carolyn Flint, gave the statistical and financial reports. Ms Flint reported that attendance for adult and children’s programs is good. The financial picture for the library is good. Ms Flint gave copies of a proposed budget for 2016 to the members. After a discussion of the proposal, the Library Board asked that a few changes be made before the budget hearing. The budget hearing is scheduled for Noon on Dec. 2, 2015 at the library.
Ms Flint gave the members a copy of the sick leave policy and discussed changes that may need to be addressed. The board decided that this would be done at the next meeting
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Flint, Library Director and Secretary to the Board of Control

Board Minutes August 19, 2015

The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a regular meeting at Noon on August 19, 2015. John Guice, Board President, opened the meeting with board members Bill Marionneaux, Addie Bolton and Jeannette Thompson present. Mr Guice led in prayer. Ms Bolton moved that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as published, Jeannette Thompson seconded the motion and all were in favor. Library Director, Carolyn Flint, gave the statistical and financial reports.  It was reported that circulation was up for the quarter. Ms Flint reported that attendance for adult and children’s programs is good. The financial picture for the library is good. Ms Flint gave copies of the 2014 audit to each member of the Library Board. The library received a clean audit with no findings.

Ms Flint reported the recent death of former library director Betty B. Jackson.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Flint, Library Director and Secretary to the Board of Control

Board Minutes April 22, 2015

The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a regular meeting at Noon on April 22, 2015.  John Guice, Board President, opened the meeting with board members, Luella Snyder, Bill Marionneaus, Addie Bolton and Jeannette Thompson present.  Dr. Marionneaux led in prayer.  Dr. Marionneaux moved that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as published.  Addie Bolton seconded the motion and all were in favor.  Library Director, Carolyn Flint, gave the statistical and financial reports.  It was reported that circulation was down for the quarter.  Ms Flint reported that attendance for adult and children’s programs is good.  The financial picture for the library is good.  Carolyn Flint reported that the library has received a partial payment of $10,000 from the Gwin Trust.  Ms Flint showed the board members the progress on the new webpage that is being built for the library.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Flint, Library Director and Secretary the Board of Control