Library Board of Control Called Meeting
January 18, 2023
The Franklin Parish Library Board of Control met in a called meeting on January 18, 2023. John Guice called the meeting to order with Bill Marionneaux, Leslie Young, and Emily Shields present. Also attending the meeting were Ken McManus and Luke Sharbono from McManus Engineering, representatives from 318 Construction and ACME Glass. Following a lengthy discussion, Mr. Guice asked for a motion to accept the initial bid from 318 Construction. Leslie made the motion to accept the initial bid with second by Emily Shields and all were in favor. The board was presented a list of surplus items. Mr. Guice asked for a motion to declare the items on the list as surplus. Leslie Young made the motion to declare the list of items as surplus with second made by Emily Shields. The search for a new director and the next steps in the process were discussed. The board discussed the HVAC system at the learning center and approved moving forward to have the non-working unit replaced. The board discussed the current issues with the telephone system and approved having the lines and the phone system checked for problems. There being no other business the meeting was adjourned.