Franklin Parish Library Board Minutes
April 24, 2023
The Library Board of Control met in a regularly scheduled meeting on April 24, 2023. Leslie Young, Board President called the meeting to order with Emily Shields, Dr. Bill Marionneaux, and Dorothy Brown present.
Leslie Young ask for a motion to accept the minutes, from the last meeting, as published. Dr. Bill Marionneaux made the motion to accept the minutes as published and Emily Shields made the second.
Linda Lochbrunner, Business Manager and Interim Library Director presented the financial report and noted the Library is currently in a good financial position.
Linda Lochbrunner gave the statistical report. Circulation and Library visits were up for the quarter.
In Other Business, Library Board Resolutions were presented. Leslie Young ask for a motion to accept the Board Resolutions. Dorothy Brown Made the motion to accept and Emily Shields made the second. The construction project was discussed at length. Where the process was at and estimated length of time to completion.
The Board discussed the pending Legislation regarding Access to Certain Materials in Public Libraries. This is HB 102 and SB 7. Both have been referred to Committees to review.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.