Library Board of Control Minutes

July 26, 2021

The Franklin Parish Library Board of Control met in a regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, July 26, 2021at 12:00 am. John Guice called the meeting to order with Bill Marionneaux, Dorothy Brown, Leslie Young, and Emily Shields present. Mr. Guice asked for a motion that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as published. Bill Marionneaux made the motion to accept the minutes as published. Second was made my Leslie Young. There being no discussion or objections the minutes were so approved. Onie Parker gave the statistical and financial reports noting that circulation was up for the quarter and that the financial picture is good. Parker also reported on the Summer Reading program “Tails and Tales” that was virtual this year. There were 140 total site sessions. One hundred twenty-four children signed up for the program, 52 turned in reading logs, and 762 books were read. The board then reviewed the steps that have been taken to begin the roof and HVAC project at the Main Library and discussed what will be done as the projects move forward. Mr. Guice then asked for a motion to adjourn which was made by Leslie Young with second made by Dorothy Brown. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Onie Parker, Library Director and Secretary to the Board of Control

Library Board Minutes Called Meeting

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a called meeting on July 20, 2021 at 12:00am.  Board President, John Guice, opened the meeting with Leslie Young, Emily Shields, and Bill Marionneaux present.  Also, attending were Ken McManus and Cinnamon Gooding of McManus Engineering.  Mr. McManus recommended that the board award contracts to E. Cornell Malone Corporation, Jackson, Mississippi for the Roofing and Renovations Project and to 318 Heating and Air, Monroe, Louisiana for the HVAC Replacement Project.  Mr. Guice entertained a motion to award the Roofing and Renovations Project contract as recommended by McManus Engineering.  Leslie Young made the motion to award the contract to E. Cornell Malone Corporation, Jackson Mississippi for the Roofing and Renovations Project.  Second was made by Bill Marionneaux.  There being no discussion or objections the motion was so ordered.  Mr. Guice then asked for a motion to award the HVAC Replacement contract as recommended by McManus Engineering.  Emily Shields made the motion to award 318 Heating and Air, Monroe, Louisiana the contract for the HVAC Replacement Project.  Second was made by Bill Marionneaux.  There being no discussion or objections the motion was so ordered.  A brief discussion followed regarding a possible timeline and Ken McManus explained how the project would move forward.  There being no other business Mr. Guice called for a motion to adjourn. Leslie Young made a motion for adjournment.  Second was made by Emily Shields.

Onie Parker, Library Director and Secretary to the Board of Control

Library Board Minutes

April 26, 2021

The Library Board of Control met in a regular meeting on April 26, 2021 at noon.  John Guice called the meeting to order with Emily Shields, Dorothy Brown, and Leslie Young present.  Mr. Guice asked for a motion to accept the minutes as published.  Leslie Young made the motion to accept minutes as published second was made my Dorothy Brown.  Library Director, Onie Parker gave the statistical report noting that circulation was down for the quarter.  Parker also noted that the financial picture is good.  The board was notified that ethics training was now available.  The board was updated on the plans for the new roof.  Mr. Guice asked for a motion to adjourn.  Emily Shields made the motion to adjourn with second by Leslie Young.

Franklin Parish Library Called Meeting

March 26, 2021

The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a called meeting at 8:30 am on Friday, March 26, 2021.  John Guice called the meeting to order with Bill Marionneaux, Leslie Young, Dorothy Brown, and Emily Shields present.  Also attending the meeting was Ken McManus, Engineer,   who presented the final plans for the roof repair on the Main Library, the Learning Center, flashing work on the Genealogy roof, and drain work at the back of the Learning Center.  Mr. McManus then answered board member’s questions.  Following the question and answer period, Mr. Guice called for a motion to authorize Mr. McManus to proceed preparing material specs to move toward bid.  Bill Marionneaux made the motion with second by Leslie Young and all were in favor.  There being no other business the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted

Onie Parker, Library Director and Secretary to the Board of Control

Franklin Parish Library Board

March 22, 2021

The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a called meeting at 8:30 am, on Monday, March 22, 2021.  Board President, John Guice, called the meeting to order with members Bill Marionneaux, Dorothy Brown, and Emily Shields present.  The board discussed the merits of an emergency declaration for roof repair of the Main Library and decided not to pursue this avenue.  The board talked to Mr. McManus to determine when the specs and budget would be ready for board consideration.  Mr. Guice then asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was made by Bill Marrioneaux, second was made by Dorothy Brown and all were in favor.