October 24, 2022

The Library Board of Control met in a regular meeting on October 24, 2022 at noon. John Guice called the meeting to order with Emily Shields, Dorothy Brown, and Bill Marionneaux present.  Mr. Guice asked for a motion to accept the minutes as published.  Bill Marionneaux made the motion to accept the minutes as published second was made by Dorothy Brown. Cinnamon Gooding, McManus Engineering, was present at the meeting and shared the renderings for the Store Front/Rear Project and answered questions from the board.  She stated that advertising for bids will begin November 2, 2022.  The bid opening will be December 6, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.  Business Manager, Linda Lochbrunner, gave the financial report and noted that the library is in good financial position.  The Library Board, Director, and Business Manager then worked on a budget for 2023 and discussed the Amendment for the 2022 budget.  Mr. Guice asked for a motion to accept the recommendations for amending the 2022 budget.  Dorothy Brown made a motion to accept the recommendations for amending the 2022 budget second was made by Bill Marionneaux and all were in favor.  A public hearing regarding the Amendment of the 2022 budget and to approve the 2023 budget will be held on December 2, 2022 at 12 (noon) at the Franklin Parish Library, 705 Prairie Street, Winnsboro, Louisiana.  Onie Parker, Director, gave the statistical report noting that circulation was up and library visits were steady.  She also reported that 114 patrons viewed the “Save the Swamp Exhibit” that was loaned to the Library by the Union Parish Library.  Mr. Guice reported to the board members on the Genealogy Roof and what had been done to make temporary repairs.  The board discussed the Policy for Reconsideration of Library Material Procedures.  Mr. Guice asked for a motion to add to the procedures what the makeup of the review committee would be.   Emily Shields made the motion to accept the statement provided in the discussion and second was made by Dorothy Brown. The donation of surplus library furniture to other public libraries was discussed.  Mr. Guice asked for a motion that the Library be able to donate surplus items to other public libraries subject to auditor approval. Bill Marionneaux made the motion to allow surplus items to be donated to other libraries subject to auditor approval and second was made by Dorothy Brown. The board was updated on tuition reimbursement.  Mr., Guice asked for a motion to revoke a previous reimbursement policy.  Bill Marionneaux made the motion to revoke the previous policy with second made by Dorothy Brown. The board revisited a memorial for Jeannette Thompson who severed on the board for forty-seven years.  Mr. Guice asked for a motion to designate Meeting Room A at the Franklin Parish Library Learning Center as the Jeannette Thompson Meeting Room.  Bill Marionneaux made the motion to name the meeting room for Jeanneatte Thompson with second being made by Emily Shields. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.