August 3, 2020

The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a regular meeting at 10:00 a.m., on Monday, August 3, 2020. Board President, John Guice, called the meeting to order with members Bill Marionneaux, Dorothy Brown and Emily Shields present.  John Guice asked for a motion to accept the minutes as published.  Dorothy Brown made the motion to accept the published minutes, second was made by Emily Shields and there were no objections.  McManus Engineering gave a presentation of their findings regarding capital improvements for the Main Library, The Learning Center, and The Genealogy Center.  The presentation was followed by a discussion.  The Board then asked Mr. McManus to prepare a revision that would prioritize needed capital improvements. Library Director, Onie Parker gave the statistical report noting that circulation was down for the quarter.  Parker also noted that the financial picture is good.  Mr. Guice presented and discussed with the board an Analysis of Public Libraries Statistical Information. This information will be considered in programming and planning for the future.  Library Director, Onie Parker, presented information and cost of replacing furniture in the Main Library and the Learning Center.  Following a discussion, Mr. Guice asked for a motion to proceed with the purchase of the discussed furniture.  Bill Marionneaux made a motion to purchase the furniture, second was made by Dorothy Brown, and all were in favor.  Franklin Parish Library Camera Security Policy was presented to the board.  Mr. Guice asked for a motion to accept the policy as presented.  Bill Marionneaux made the motion to accept the Camera Security Policy, second was made by Emily Shields and all were in favor.  Onie Parker, Librarian updated the board on the security system and the new library shelving.  There being no other business the meeting was adjourned.