December 2, 2022
The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a called meeting at noon on Friday, December 2, 2022. John Guice called the meeting to order with Leslie Young, and Emily Shields present. Amending the 2022 budget was discussed. Mr. Guice asked for a motion to amend the 2022 budget as presented. Leslie Young made the motion to amend the 2022 budget as presented second was made by Emily Shields and all were in favor. The proposed 2023 budget was discussed. Mr. Guice asked for a motion to adopt the 2023 budget as presented. Emily Shields made the motion to adopt the 2023 budget as presented, second was made by Leslie Young and all were in favor. The board discussed opening the library at 8:00 and closing at 5:00. Mr. Guice asked for a motion to change the hours of operation to open at 8:00 rather than 8:30 and to close at 5:00 rather than 5:30 to go into effect immediately. The motion to change the hours of operation to 8:00 to 5:00 was made by Emily Shields with the second by Leslie Young and all were in favor. The board discussed a change in the Employment Information and Guidelines. Mr. Guice asked for a motion to add the wording “or from within the parish” to paragraph two. The motion to add the new wording to the guidelines was made by Leslie Young with second by Emily Shields and all were in favor. There being no other business the meeting was adjourned.