October 25, 2021

The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a regular meeting at noon on Monday, October 25, 2021. Board President, John Guice, called the meeting to order with members Leslie Young, Emily Shields, and Dorothy Brown present. John Guice asked for a motion to accept the minutes as published. Emily Shields made the motion to accept the minutes as published second was made Leslie Young and all were in favor. Onie Parker presented the statistical report and noted that circulation is good as compared to the same quarter last year. The financial report for the quarter was presented. Mr. Guice asked for a motion to receive the financial report as informational. Leslie Young made the motion to accept the financial report as informational and second was made by Emily Shields and all were in favor. Linda Lochbrunner, Business Manager, recommended that the 2021 budget be amended and a discussion followed. Mr. Guice called for a motion to consider amending the 2021 budget. Emily Shields made the motion regarding amending the budget and Leslie Young offered the second and all were in favor. The Library Board, Library Director, and Business Manager developed a proposed budget for 2022. In other business, the board was updated on roof and HVAC repairs. The board was also asked to reserve November 9, 2021 for the opening of bids for the lighting project. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Onie Parker, Director and Secretary to the Library Board of Control.