Tuesday, July 20, 2021
The Franklin Parish Library Board met in a called meeting on July 20, 2021 at 12:00am. Board President, John Guice, opened the meeting with Leslie Young, Emily Shields, and Bill Marionneaux present. Also, attending were Ken McManus and Cinnamon Gooding of McManus Engineering. Mr. McManus recommended that the board award contracts to E. Cornell Malone Corporation, Jackson, Mississippi for the Roofing and Renovations Project and to 318 Heating and Air, Monroe, Louisiana for the HVAC Replacement Project. Mr. Guice entertained a motion to award the Roofing and Renovations Project contract as recommended by McManus Engineering. Leslie Young made the motion to award the contract to E. Cornell Malone Corporation, Jackson Mississippi for the Roofing and Renovations Project. Second was made by Bill Marionneaux. There being no discussion or objections the motion was so ordered. Mr. Guice then asked for a motion to award the HVAC Replacement contract as recommended by McManus Engineering. Emily Shields made the motion to award 318 Heating and Air, Monroe, Louisiana the contract for the HVAC Replacement Project. Second was made by Bill Marionneaux. There being no discussion or objections the motion was so ordered. A brief discussion followed regarding a possible timeline and Ken McManus explained how the project would move forward. There being no other business Mr. Guice called for a motion to adjourn. Leslie Young made a motion for adjournment. Second was made by Emily Shields.
Onie Parker, Library Director and Secretary to the Board of Control