November 4, 2019
The Franklin Parish Library Board of Control meet in regular session on Monday, November 4, 2019. President John Guice opened the meeting with Jeannette Thompson, Bill Marionneaux, and Dorothy Brown present. Mr. Guice asked for a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as published. Bill Marionneaux made the motion to accept the minutes as published, second was made by Dorothy Brown and all were in favor. Library Director, Onie Parker gave the statistical report noting that circulation was up for the quarter and that there has been an increase in usage of the Cloud Library. Linda Lochebrunner went over financial information with the board noting that the financial outlook was good.
The business manager recommended that the 2019 budget be amended. Following a discussion, Mr. Guice asked for a motion to amend the budget. Bill Marionneaux made the motion to amend the 2019 budget, the second was made by Dorothy Brown and all were in favor.
The Library Board, Library Director, and the Business manager developed a proposed budget for 2020. Mr. Guice asked for a motion that the prepared proposed budget be presented for consideration. Dorothy Brown made the motion to present the prepared proposed budget for consideration, the second was made by Jeanette Thompson and all were in favor. A public hearing regarding the Amendment of the 2019 Budget and to approve the 2020 Budget will be on December 5, 2019 at 12 (noon) at the Franklin Parish Library, 705 Prairie Street Winnsboro, LA.
The Jury Duty Policy was discussed and amended. Mr. Guice asked for a motion to accept the changes. Bill Marionneaux moved that the changes to the Jury Duty Policy be accepted, second was made by Jeannette Thompson and all were in favor. The Board discussed a policy governing voting at the Trail Blazer Trustee Meeting. Mr. Guice asked for a motion to accept the policy as presented. Jeanette Thompson made the motion to accept the policy, Dorothy Brown seconded and all were in favor.
Annual Leave and Compensatory Time policy was discussed and it was determined that one statement be added to the Annual Leave Policy for clarification. Mr. Guice asked for a motion to accept the Annual Leave and Compensatory Time Policy as presented with the clarifying statement added. Bill Marionneaux moved to accept the policy as presented, the second was made by Jeanette Thompson and all were in favor.
The board was provided an update on the renovations to the Genealogy Room and the repairs at the Wisner Branch.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
Onie Parker, Library Director and Secretary to the Board of Control